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5.2.2 Nitrogen Dioxide Radical
Nitrogen dioxide ( NO 2 ) produces and participates in a variety of biological
reactions [65, 115, 125, 126]. The kinetics and mechanism of the reactions of
NO 2 with nitroxides, thiols, peptides, and proteins have been studied [65, 125,
127]. Reactions of piperidine, pyrrolidine, and oxozolidine nitroxides (RNO )
by NO 2 radicals have been performed [65]. The kinetics of the reactions dem-
onstrated nitroxides are the most efficient scavengers of NO 2 at physiological
pH ( k = (3-9) × 10 8 /M/s). Reactions were dependent on the ring size and
nature of the side chain of nitroxides, similar to the reactions of nitroxides
with CO •− [65]. The reactions produced the respective oxoammonium cation,
which could be efficiently scavenged by ABTS 2− , forming ABTS •− [65].
The reactivity of NO 2 with gSH and Cys has been performed using pulse
radiolysis [127]. Formation of the thiyl radical was observed (Eqs. 5.26, 5.27):
The rate constants of reactions (5.26) and (5.27) increased linearly with
an increase in pH between ∼5.7 and 8.0. The slopes of the plot of log k
versus pH were determined as 0.63 ± 0.02 and 0.57 ± 0.01 for the reactivity of
NO 2 with gSH and cysteine, respectively. At pH 7.4, the rate constants for
reactions (5.25) and (5.26) were estimated as ∼2 × 10 7 /M/s and 5 × 10 7 /M/s,
Nitrosylation of peptide and proteins by NO 2 has been carried out [128-
130]. The reactivity of gly-Tyr with NO 2 in aqueous solution was strongly pH
dependent with rate constants varying from 3.2 × 10 5 /M/s at pH 7.5 to
2.0 × 10 7 /M/s at pH 11.3. The reaction generated phenoxyl radicals, which
could further react with NO 2 to yield nitrotyrosine ( k ∼ 3.0 × 10 9 /M/s), the
predominant final product in the neutral solution. The reaction of NO 2 with
cysteine-thiolate was faster ( k ∼ 2.4 × 10 8 /M/s at pH 9.2), which involved the
transient formation of cystinyl radical anions. The reactivity of NO 2 with gly-
Trp was relatively slow ( k ∼ 10 6 /M/s at pH 9.0). Reactivity was not observed for
NO 2 with Met-gly and (Cys-gly) 2 in the pulse radiolysis experiments. At
pH 7.0-9.0, the selective nitration of Tyr in the interaction of NO 2 with histone,
lysozyme, and ribonuclease A was found [129]. Nitration of tyrosine in hydro-
philic and hydrophobic environments has recently been performed, which
suggested the involvement of free radical mechanisms [128]. The involvement
of radical was supported by the restrictions imposed on obtaining a large yield
of protein 3-nitrotyrosine formation in vivo due to the presence of strong
reducing systems such as gSH. Elimination of important soluble reductants
allowed nitration of Tyr [128].
Recently, the reactivity of NO 2 with various oxidation states of myoglobin
was studied [125]. The interconversion of various oxidation states of myoglo-
bin was observed (Eqs. 5.28-5.32):
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