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The formation of Cys dimers has also been suggested under acidic condi-
tions [93].
A recent study showed HOSCN attacked the Cys residues present in
protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), causing a loss of PTP activity for the
isolated enzyme, in cell lysates and intact J774A.1 macrophage-like cells [5].
This ultimately resulted in altered mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)
signaling. The HOSCN may also induce the inactivation of thiol-dependent
enzymes in which sulfenyl thiocynate and sufenic acid were the intermediates
[94]. Overall, HOSCN-mediated oxidation of thiol may play a role as an
important mediator of inflammation-induced modulation of cellular signaling
and oxidative damage. The role of HOSCN would depend on both the cellular
environment and the specific cell type [94, 95]. Further studies are needed to
fully understand how HOSCN interacts with cellular membranes and the
specific cellular targets.
Halamines (RNHCl and RHBr) are key intermediates, formed from the reac-
tions of HOCl and HOBr, respectively, which may also have oxidizing power
to induce further reactions in biological systems [16, 17, 71]. The reactions of
halamines with nitrogenous compounds are also of interest as a disinfection
process in water [32, 96-98]. Halamines undergo different pathways in their
reactions such as hydrolysis, halogen transfer, and one-electron reduction.
These pathways are described below.
3.2.1 Hydrolysis of Halamines
Chloramines, located at the α-amino site, decompose to unstable intermedi-
ates imines, which, upon hydrolysis, form aldehydes and ammonia (Eqs. 3.14
and 3.15) [49, 99, 100]:
3 .
Chloramines of the N-terminus of small peptides have shown to form alde-
hydes [101]. Carbonyls have been detected in the treatment of various proteins
with HOCl [102-106]. The resulting ammonia may react with excess HOCl to
yield NH 2 Cl. Aldehydes may also undergo further reactions with free amino
groups of proteins (e.g., lys side chains) to produce a Schiff base [100, 107].
Reactions of N -bromosuccinamide with amino acids and their peptides
have been studied in the acidic medium [108-110]. The rates of peptides are
lower than those of free amino acids. The roles of the function group and
hydrophobicity were suggested. For example, N -bromosuccinamide oxidized
Val-Pro at a faster rate than the less hydrophobic dipeptides, Ala-Pro and
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