Database Reference
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catch ( PDOException $e )
print ( "Cannot connect to server \n " );
print ( "Error code: " . $e -> getCode () . " \n " );
print ( "Error message: " . $e -> getMessage () . " \n " );
exit ( 1 );
$dbh = NULL ;
print ( "Disconnected \n " );
The require_once statement accesses the Cookbook.php file that is required to use the
Cookbook class. require_once is one of several PHP file-inclusion statements:
require and include instruct PHP to read the named file. They are similar, but
require terminates the script if the file cannot be found; include produces only a
require_once and include_once are like require and include except that if the
file has already been read, its contents are not processed again. This is useful for
avoiding multiple-declaration problems that can easily occur when library files in‐
clude other library files.
Python libraries are written as modules and referenced from scripts using import state‐
ments. To create a method for connecting to MySQL, write a module file,
(Python module names should be lowercase):
# library file with utility method for connecting to MySQL
# using the Connector/Python module
import mysql.connector
conn_params = {
"database" : "cookbook" ,
"host" : "localhost" ,
"user" : "cbuser" ,
"password" : "cbpass" ,
# Establish a connection to the cookbook database, returning a connection
# object. Raise an exception if the connection cannot be established.
def connect ():
return mysql . connector . connect ( ** conn_params )
The filename basename determines the module name, so the module is called cook
book . Module methods are accessed through the module name; thus, import the cook
book module and invoke its connect() method like this:
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