Database Reference
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UPDATE mysql . user
SET plugin = 'mysql_native_password' , Password = PASSWORD ( 'mypass' )
WHERE User = 'user2' AND Host = 'localhost' ;
user6 weakness: Password is empty. Action: Assign a password.
SET PASSWORD FOR 'user6' @ 'localhost' = PASSWORD ( 'mypass' );
user7 weakness: No plug-in named. Action: Specify the native plug-in.
UPDATE mysql . user
SET plugin = 'mysql_native_password'
WHERE User = 'user7' AND Host = 'localhost' ;
23.9. Disabling Use of Accounts with Pre-4.1 Passwords
The original pre-4.1 hashing method is less secure than other methods and you want
to prevent accounts from using it.
Set the secure_auth system variable to prevent such accounts from connecting to the
server. To be more user friendly, upgrade affected accounts first.
The hashing method used by the mysql_old_password authentication plug-in is not as
secure as the method used by mysql_native_password . In addition, mysql_old_pass
word is deprecated and eventually will no longer be supported. To prevent its use and
prepare for the day when support for it ceases, take these steps:
1. Identify accounts that use mysql_old_password and upgrade them to use mysql_na
tive_password (see Recipe 23.8 ). Do this first so as not to lock out accounts in the
next step.
2. Start the server with the secure_auth system variable enabled. That's been the de‐
fault value since MySQL 5.6.5, but you can check whether your server's setting
mysql> SELECT @@secure_auth;
| @@secure_auth |
| 0 |
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