Database Reference
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LEAVE expire_loop ;
CALL exec_stmt ( CONCAT ( 'ALTER USER ' , account , ' PASSWORD EXPIRE' ));
CLOSE cur ;
The procedure requires the exec_stmt() helper routine (see Recipe 9.9 ). Scripts to
create these routines are located in the routines directory of the recipes distribution.
23.6. Assigning Yourself a New Password
You want to change your password.
Use the SET PASSWORD statement.
To assign yourself a new password, use the SET PASSWORD statement and the PASS
WORD() function:
SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD ( ' my - new - password ' );
SET PASSWORD permits a FOR clause that enables you to specify which account gets the
new password:
SET PASSWORD FOR ' user_name '@' host_name ' = PASSWORD(' my - new - password ' );
This latter syntax is primarily for DBAs because it requires the UPDATE privilege for the
mysql database.
If SET PASSWORD complains about the password hash being in the wrong format, try
again after setting old_passwords to select the hashing method appropriate for the
authentication plug-in associated with your account. Recipe 23.2 provides these values.
To check the strength of a password you're considering, use the VALIDATE_PASS
WORD_STRENGTH() function (see Recipe 23.4 ).
23.7. Resetting an Expired Password
You cannot use MySQL because your DBA expired your password.
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