Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Many of the techniques shown here require administrative access,
such as the ability to modify tables in the mysql system database or
use statements that require the SUPER privilege. For this reason, to
carry out the operations described here, connect to the server as root
rather than as cbuser .
23.1. Understanding the mysql.user Table
MySQL stores user account information in tables in the mysql system database. The
user table is the most important because it contains account names and credentials. To
see its structure, use this statement:
SHOW CREATE TABLE mysql . user ;
The user table columns that concern us here specify account names and authentication
• The User and Host columns identify the account. MySQL account names comprise
a combination of username and hostname values. For example, in the user table
row for a 'cbuser'@'localhost' account, the User and Host column values are
cbuser and localhost , respectively. For a 'myuser'@'' ac‐
count, those columns are myuser and .
• The plugin , Password , and authentication_string columns store authentication
credentials. MySQL does not store literal passwords in the user sytem table because
that is insecure. Instead, the server computes a hash value from the password and
stores the hash string.
— The plugin column indicates which authentication plugin the server uses to
check credentials for clients that attempt to use the account. Different plug-ins
implement password hashing methods of varying encryption strength. The fol‐
lowing table shows the plug-ins this chapter discusses:
Plug-in Authentication method
mysql_native_password Native password hashing
“Old” native password hashing (deprecated)
SHA-256 password hashing (MySQL 5.6.6 or later)
MySQL Enterprise, the commercial version of MySQL, includes additional plug-
ins for authenticating using PAM or Windows credentials. These enable use of
passwords external to MySQL, such as Unix login passwords or native Windows
— The Password column is used if the plugin column is mysql_native_pass
word or mysql_old_password . An empty Password value means “no password,”
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