Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The “MySQL Uncertainty Principle”
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle for measurement of quantum phenomena has a
MySQL analog. If you monitor MySQL's status to see how it changes over time, you
might notice the curious effect that, for some of the indicators, each time you take a
measurement, you change the value you're measuring! For example, to determine the
number of statements the server has received, use this statement:
However, that statement is itself a statement, so each time you issue it, you cause the
Queries value to change. In effect, your performance assessment instrument contami‐
nates its own measurements, something you might want to take into account.
The preceding discussion uses Queries , which indicates the total number of statements
executed. Options for more fine-grained analysis are available:
• The server maintains a set of Com_ xxx status variables that count executions of
particular statements. For example, Com_insert and Com_update count INSERT and
UPDATE statements, respectively.
• To find out which queries were executed, check the general query log. To discover
which ones were slow, check the slow query log. As mentioned previously, log tables
are easier to analyze than logfiles because you can apply SQL statements to them.
For example, this query summarizes number of statements per user, most active
users first:
SELECT COUNT ( * ), user_host FROM mysql . general_log
GROUP BY user_host ORDER BY COUNT ( * ) DESC ;
A similar query shows which statements appear most often in the slow query log:
SELECT COUNT ( * ), sql_text FROM mysql . slow_log
For information about summary and statistical techniques, see Chapter 8 and
Chapter 15 . Recipe 20.14 shows log-analysis queries in a related context (Apache
How many simultaneous connections does the server permit? Is it close to running out? It's
often the case that a server function is assessed using a combination of configuration
settings plus current operational status. Typically, the former comes from system vari‐
ables, whereas the latter comes from status variables. Connection management is an
example of this concept. The max_connections system variable indicates the maximum
number of simultaneous connections the server permits, and the Threads_connected
status variable shows how many clients are currently connected. If Threads_connected
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