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page << cgi . p { "Reload page to send next request." }
if count < 10 # save modified values into session
# convert session variables back to strings before saving
session [ "count" ] = count . to_s
session [ "timestamp" ] = timestamp . join ( "," )
session . close ()
else # destroy session after 10 invocations
session . delete ()
dbh . disconnect
# generate the output page
cgi . out {
cgi . html {
cgi . head { cgi . title { title } } + cgi . body () { page }
CGI::Session makes no provision for expiring sessions, but you can discard old session
records using a technique similar to that discussed in Recipe 21.1 . Should you do this,
index the update_time column to make DELETE statements faster:
ALTER TABLE ruby_session ADD INDEX ( update_time );
21.3. Using MySQL-Based Storage with the PHP
Session Manager
You want to use session storage for PHP scripts.
PHP includes session management. By default, it uses temporary files for backing store,
but you can configure it to use MySQL instead.
This section shows how to use the PHP native session manager and how to extend it by
implementing a storage module that saves session data in MySQL. If your PHP config‐
uration has the track_vars configuration variable enabled (which it is by default), ses‐
sion variables are available as elements of the $_SESSION superglobal array. If the reg
ister_globals configuration variable is enabled as well, session variables also exist in
your script as global variables of the same names. This is less secure, so this variable is
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