Database Reference
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such as latin1_swedish_ci . If your filesystem is set up to use pathnames in a
different character set, change the character set and collation.
• The path column has a maximum length of 255 characters, which limits you to
page paths no longer than that.
• The path column is indexed as a PRIMARY KEY to require unique values. Either a
PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE index is required because we will implement the hit-
counting algorithm using an INSERT statement with an ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
clause to insert a row if none exists for the page or update the row if it does exist.
( Recipe 13.12 explains ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE .)
• The table is set up to count page hits for a single document tree, such as when your
web server is used to serve pages for a single domain. If you institute a hit count
mechanism on a host that serves multiple virtual domains, you may want to add a
column for the domain name. This value is available in the SERVER_NAME value that
Apache puts into your script's environment. In this case, the hitcount table index
should include both the hostname and the page path.
The general logic involved in hit counter maintenance is to increment the hits column
of the row for a page, and then retrieve the updated counter value:
UPDATE hitcount SET hits = hits + 1 WHERE path = ' page path ';
SELECT hits FROM hitcount WHERE path = ' page path ' ;
Unfortunately, with that approach, you might not get the correct value. If several clients
request the page simultaneously, several UPDATE statements execute in close temporal
proximity and the SELECT statements that follow won't necessarily get the corresponding
hits value. This can be avoided by using a transaction or by locking the hitcount table,
but that slows down hit counting. MySQL provides a solution that enables each client
to retrieve its own count, no matter how many simultaneous updates occur:
UPDATE hitcount SET hits = LAST_INSERT_ID ( hits + 1 ) WHERE path = ' page path ' ;
The basis for updating the count here is LAST_INSERT_ID( expr ) , discussed in
Recipe 13.12 . The UPDATE statement finds the relevant row and increments its counter
value. The use of LAST_INSERT_ID(hits+1) rather than just hits+1 tells MySQL to treat
the value as though it were an AUTO_INCREMENT value. This enables it to be retrieved in
the second statement using LAST_INSERT_ID() . The LAST_INSERT_ID() function re‐
turns a connection-specific value, so it always corresponds to the preceding UPDATE for
the same connection. In addition, the SELECT statement doesn't query a table, so it's very
However, there's still a problem. What if the page isn't listed in the hitcount table? In
that case, the UPDATE statement finds no row to modify and you get a counter value of
zero. You could deal with this problem by requiring that any page that includes a hit
counter must be registered in the hitcount table before the page goes online. This is
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