Database Reference
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if ( $@ )
print "An error occurred: $@\n" ;
This eval technique is commonly used to perform transactions (see Recipe 17.4 ).
Using RaiseError in combination with eval differs from using RaiseError alone:
• Errors terminate only the eval block, not the entire script.
• Any error terminates the eval block, whereas RaiseError applies only to DBI-
related errors.
When you use eval with RaiseError enabled, disable PrintError . Otherwise, in some
versions of DBI, an error may simply cause warn() to be called without terminating the
eval block as you expect.
In addition to using the error-handling attributes PrintError and RaiseError , lots of
information about your script's execution is available using DBI's tracing mechanism.
Invoke the trace() method with an argument indicating the trace level. Levels 1 to 9
enable tracing with increasingly more verbose output, and level 0 disables tracing:
DBI -> trace ( 1 ); # enable tracing, minimal output
DBI -> trace ( 3 ); # elevate trace level
DBI -> trace ( 0 ); # disable tracing
Individual database and statement handles also have trace() methods, so you can lo‐
calize tracing to a single handle if you want.
Trace output normally goes to your terminal (or, in the case of a web script, to the web
server's error log). To write trace output to a specific file, provide a second argument
that indicates the filename:
DBI -> trace ( 1 , "/tmp/trace.out" );
If the trace file already exists, its contents are not cleared first; trace output is appended
to the end. Beware of turning on a file trace while developing a script, but forgetting to
disable the trace when you put the script into production. You'll eventually find to your
chagrin that the trace file has become quite large. Or worse, a filesystem will fill up, and
you'll have no idea why!
Ruby signals errors by raising exceptions and Ruby programs handle errors by catching
exceptions in a rescue clause of a begin block. Ruby DBI methods raise exceptions
when they fail and provide error information by means of a DBI::DatabaseError object.
To get the MySQL error number, error message, and SQLSTATE value, access the err ,
errstr , and state methods of this object. The following example shows how to trap
exceptions and access error information in a DBI script:
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