Database Reference
In-Depth Information
my $dbh = Cookbook:: connect ();
# Collect parameters that determine where we are in the display and
# verify that they are integers.
# Default to beginning of result set, 10 records/page if parameters
# are missing/malformed.
my $start = param ( "start" );
$start = 1
if ! defined ( $start ) || $start !~ /^\d+$/ || $start < 1 ;
my $per_page = param ( "per_page" );
$per_page = 10
if ! defined ( $per_page ) || $per_page !~ /^\d+$/ || $per_page < 1 ;;
# If start > 1, then we'll need a live "previous page" link.
# To determine whether there is a next page, try to select one more
# record than we need. If we get that many, display only the first
# $per_page records, but add a live "next page" link.
# Select the records in the current page of the result set, and
# attempt to get an extra record. (If we get the extra one, we
# won't display it, but its presence tells us there is a next
# page.)
my $stmt = sprintf ( "SELECT name, abbrev, statehood, pop
FROM states
ORDER BY name LIMIT %d,%d" ,
$start - 1 , # number of records to skip
$per_page + 1 ); # number of records to select
my $tbl_ref = $dbh -> selectall_arrayref ( $stmt );
$dbh -> disconnect ();
# Display results as HTML table
my @rows ;
push ( @rows , Tr ( th ([ "Name" , "Abbreviation" , "Statehood" , "Population" ])));
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $per_page && $i < @ { $tbl_ref }; $i ++ )
# get data values in row $i
my @cells = @ { $tbl_ref -> [ $i ]}; # get data values in row $i
# map values to HTML-encoded values, or to &nbsp; if null/empty
@cells = map {
defined ( $_ ) && $_ ne "" ? escapeHTML ( $_ ) : "&nbsp;"
} @cells ;
# add cells to table
push ( @rows , Tr ( td ( \ @cells )));
$page .= table ({ - border => 1 }, @rows ) . br ();
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