Database Reference
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The FieldStorage object contains information for parameters submitted via either get
or post requests, so you need not know which method was used to send the request.
The object also contains an element for each parameter present in the environment. Its
key() method returns a list of available parameter names:
param_names = params . keys ()
If a given parameter, name , is single-valued, the value associated with it is a scalar that
you can access as follows:
val = params [ name ] . value
If the parameter is multiple-valued, params[name] is a list of MiniFieldStorage objects
that have name and value attributes. Each has the same name (it will be equal to name )
and one of the parameter's values. To create a list containing all the values for such a
parameter, do this:
val = []
for item in params [ name ]:
val . append ( item . value )
To avoid having to distinguish whether a parameter has a single value or multiple values,
use getlist() . The following listing shows how to get the parameter names and loop
through each parameter to print its name and value, printing multiple-valued param‐
eters as a comma-separated list:
params = cgi . FieldStorage ()
param_names = params . keys ()
param_names . sort ()
print ( "<p>Parameter names: %s </p>" % param_names )
items = []
for name in param_names :
val = ',' . join ( params . getlist ( name ))
items . append ( "name=" + name + ", value=" + val )
print ( make_unordered_list ( items ))
Python raises an exception if you try to access a parameter not present in the Field
Storage object. To avoid this, use has_key() to find out whether the parameter exists:
if params . has_key ( name ):
print ( "parameter %s exists" % name )
else :
print ( "parameter %s does not exist" % name )
Single-valued parameters have attributes other than value . For example, a parameter
representing an uploaded file has additional attributes you can use to get the file's con‐
tents. Recipe 20.8 discusses this further.
The cgi module expects URL parameters to be separated by & characters. To construct
a hyperlink that points to a Python script based on the cgi module, don't separate the
parameters by ; characters.
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