Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The following listing shows how to get the parameter names and loop through each
parameter to print its name and value, printing multiple-valued parameters as a comma-
separated list:
params = cgi . params
param_names = cgi . params . keys
param_names . sort!
page << cgi . p { "Parameter names:" + param_names . join ( ", " ) }
list = ""
param_names . each do | name |
val = params [ name ]
list << cgi . li {
"type= #{ val . class } , name= #{ name } , value=" +
CGI . escapeHTML ( val . join ( ", " ))
page << cgi . ul { list }
The cgi module understands both ; and & as URL parameter separator characters.
PHP. Input parameters are available to PHP several ways, depending on your config‐
uration settings:
• If the track_vars variable is enabled (which it is by default), parameters are avail‐
able in the $_GET and $_POST arrays. If a form contains a field named id , the value
is available as $_GET["id"] or $_POST["id"] , depending on whether the form was
submitted via get or post . $_GET and $_POST are “superglobal” arrays (accessible
in any scope without being declared as global).
• If the register_globals variable is enabled, parameters are assigned to global
variables of the same name. In this case, the value of a field named id is available
as the variable $id , regardless of whether the request was sent via get or post . It's
dangerous to rely on this variable, for reasons described shortly. PHP scripts in this
book do not rely on register_globals (which in any case is deprecated in PHP
5.3 and removed in 5.4). Instead, they obtain input through the global parameter
The track_vars and (if present) register_globals settings can be compiled into PHP
or configured in the PHP php.ini file. As mentioned previously, track_vars is enabled
by default, so I'll assume that this is true for your PHP installation.
register_globals was designed to make it convenient to access input parameters
through global variables, but it poses a security risk and is therefore best disabled in
versions of PHP that have it. Suppose that you write a script that requires the user to
supply a password, represented by the $password variable. In the script, you might check
the password like this:
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