Database Reference
In-Depth Information
6. Create a form submission button and terminate the form:
print br (),
submit ( - name => "choice" , - value => "Submit Form" ),
end_form ();
The same general procedure applies to other APIs. For example, in a JSP page, fetch the
record to be edited and extract its contents into scalar variables like this:
<c:set var= "id" value= "1" />
<sql:query dataSource= "${conn}" var= "rs" >
id, color, size, accessories,
cust_name, cust_street, cust_city, cust_state
FROM cow_order WHERE id = ?
<sql:param value= "${id}" />
<c:set var= "row" value= "${rs.rows[0]}" />
<c:set var= "id" value= "${}" />
<c:set var= "color" value= "${row.color}" />
<c:set var= "size" value= "${row.size}" />
<c:set var= "accessories" value= "${row.accessories}" />
<c:set var= "cust_name" value= "${row.cust_name}" />
<c:set var= "cust_street" value= "${row.cust_street}" />
<c:set var= "cust_city" value= "${row.cust_city}" />
<c:set var= "cust_state" value= "${row.cust_state}" />
Then use the values to initialize the various form elements, such as:
• The hidden field for the ID value:
<input type= "hidden" name= "id" value= "<c:out value=" ${id}" /> "/>
• The color pop-up menu:
<sql:query dataSource= "${conn}" var= "rs" >
SELECT color FROM cow_color ORDER BY color
<br /> Cow color: <br />
<select name= "color" >
<c:forEach items= "${rs.rows}" var= "row" >
value= "<c:out value=" ${row.color}" /> "
<c:if test= "${row.color == color}" > selected="selected" </c:if>
> <c:out value= "${row.color}" /></option>
• The cust_name text field:
<br /> Customer name: <br />
<input type= "text" name= "cust_name"
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