Database Reference
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values . append ( color )
cursor . close ()
Then convert the list to a form element using one of the following calls:
print ( make_radio_group ( 'color' , values , values , '' , True ))
print ( make_popup_menu ( 'color' , values , values , '' ))
print ( make_scrolling_list ( 'color' , values , values , '' , 3 , False ))
To present the state list, fetch the names and abbreviations:
values = []
labels = []
stmt = "SELECT abbrev, name FROM states ORDER BY name"
cursor = conn . cursor ()
cursor . execute ( stmt )
for ( abbrev , name ) in cursor :
values . append ( abbrev )
labels . append ( name )
cursor . close ()
Then pass them to the appropriate function:
print ( make_popup_menu ( 'state' , values , labels , '' ))
print ( make_scrolling_list ( 'state' , values , labels , '' , 6 , False ))
The Ruby and Python utility methods in the lib directory do something that their PHP
counterparts do not: explicitly convert to string form all argument values that get in‐
corporated into the list. (You can see this in the Python version of make_pop
up_menu() earlier.) This conversion is necessary because the Ruby CGI.escapeHTML()
and Python cgi.escape() methods raise an exception if you pass nonstring values to
We have thus far considered how to fetch rows from the cow_color and states tables
and convert them to form elements. Another element in the form for the online cow-
ordering application is the field for specifying cow figurine size. The legal values for this
field come from the definition of the size column in the cow_order table. That column
is an ENUM , so getting the legal values for the corresponding form element is a matter of
getting the column definition and parsing it. In other words, use the column metadata
rather than the column data.
As it happens, most of the work for this task has already been done in Recipe 10.7 , which
develops utility routines to get ENUM or SET column metadata. In Perl, for example,
invoke the get_enumorset_info() function as follows to get the size column metadata:
my $size_info = get_enumorset_info ( $dbh , "cookbook" , "cow_order" , "size" );
The resulting $size_info value is a reference to a hash that has several members, two
of which are relevant to our purposes here:
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