Database Reference
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Radio buttons
A group of radio buttons consists of <input> elements of type radio , all with the
same name attribute. Each element also includes a value attribute. A label to display
can be given after the <input> tag. To mark an item as the default initial selection,
add a checked attribute. The following radio button group displays the possible
cow figurine sizes, using checked to mark medium as the initially selected value:
<input type= "radio" name= "size" value= "small" /> small
<input type= "radio" name= "size" value= "medium" checked= "checked" /> medium
<input type= "radio" name= "size" value= "large" /> large
Pop-up menus
A pop-up menu begins and ends with <select> and </select> tags, with each item
in the menu enclosed within <option> and </option> tags. Each <option> element
has a value attribute, and its body provides a label to be displayed. To indicate a
default selection, add a selected attribute to the appropriate <option> item. If no
item is so marked, the first item becomes the default, as is the case for the following
pop-up menu:
<select name= "color" >
<option value= "Black" > Black </option>
<option value= "Black &amp; White" > Black &amp; White </option>
<option value= "Brown" > Brown </option>
<option value= "Cream" > Cream </option>
<option value= "Red" > Red </option>
<option value= "Red &amp; White" > Red &amp; White </option>
<option value= "See-Through" > See-Through </option>
Scrolling lists
A scrolling list displays as a set of items in a box. The list may contain more items
than are visible in the box, in which case the browser displays a scrollbar so the user
can bring the other items into view. The HTML syntax for scrolling lists is similar
to that for pop-up menus, except that the opening <select> tag includes a size
attribute indicating how many rows of the list should be visible in the box. By
default, a scrolling list is a single-pick element; Recipe 20.3 discusses how to enable
multiple picks.
The following single-pick scrolling list includes an item for each US state, of which
six at a time are visible:
<select name= "state" size= "6" >
<option value= "AL" > Alabama </option>
<option value= "AK" > Alaska </option>
<option value= "AZ" > Arizona </option>
<option value= "AR" > Arkansas </option>
<option value= "CA" > California </option>
<option value= "WV" > West Virginia </option>
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