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print start_form ( - action => url (), - method => "post" );
# ... generate form elements here ...
print end_form ();
start_form() supplies a default request method of post . You can omit the method
argument if you're constructing a post form.
In Ruby scripts, create a cgi object, and use its form method to generate a form. The
method arguments provide the <form> tag attributes, and the block following the meth‐
od call provides the form content. To get the script pathname, use the SCRIPT_NAME
member of the ENV hash:
cgi . out {
cgi . form ( "action" => ENV [ "SCRIPT_NAME" ] , "method" => "post" ) {
# ... generate form elements here ...
The form method supplies a default request method of post . You can omit the method
argument if you're constructing a post form.
The script pathname is also available from the cgi.script_name method.
PHP scripts access the script pathname as the PHP_SELF member of the $_SERVER array,
which is a “superglobal” array (accessible in any scope without being declared as global).
Scripts can obtain their own pathname and use it to generate a form as follows:
print ( '<form action="' . $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '" method="post">' );
# ... generate form elements here ...
print ( '</form>' );
Python scripts get the script pathname by importing the os module and accessing the
SCRIPT_NAME member of the os.environ object:
import os
print ( '<form action=" %s " method="post">' % os . environ [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ])
# ... generate form elements here ...
print ( '</form>' )
In JSP pages, the request path is available through the implicit request object provided
by the JSP processor. Use that object's getRequestURI() method as follows:
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