Database Reference
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# Default image storage directory and pathname separator
my $image_dir = "/usr/local/lib/mcb/images" ;
# The location should NOT be within the web server document tree
my $path_sep = "/" ;
# Reset directory and pathname separator for Windows/DOS
if ( $^O =~ /^MSWin/i || $^O =~ /^dos/ )
$image_dir = "C:\\mcb\\images" ;
$path_sep = "\\" ;
my $name = param ( "name" );
my $location = param ( "location" );
# make sure image name was specified
defined ( $name ) or error ( "image name is missing" );
# use default of "db" if the location is not specified or is
# not "db" or "fs"
( defined ( $location ) && $location eq "fs" ) or $location = "db" ;
my $dbh = Cookbook:: connect ();
my ( $type , $data );
# If location is "db", get image data and MIME type from image table.
# If location is "fs", get MIME type from image table and read the image
# data from the filesystem.
if ( $location eq "db" )
( $type , $data ) = $dbh -> selectrow_array (
"SELECT type, data FROM image WHERE name = ?" ,
undef ,
$name )
or error ( "Cannot find image with name $name" );
$type = $dbh -> selectrow_array (
"SELECT type FROM image WHERE name = ?" ,
undef ,
$name )
or error ( "Cannot find image with name $name" );
my $fh = new FileHandle ;
my $image_path = $image_dir . $path_sep . $name ;
open ( $fh , $image_path )
or error ( "Cannot read $image_path: $!" );
binmode ( $fh ); # helpful for binary data
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