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# in the filesystem. (Normally, you'd store images only in one
# place or another; this script demonstrates how to do both.)
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use Fcntl ; # for O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, O_CREAT
use FileHandle ;
use Cookbook ;
# Default image storage directory and pathname separator
# The location should NOT be within the web server document tree
my $image_dir = "/usr/local/lib/mcb/images" ;
my $path_sep = "/" ;
# Reset directory and pathname separator for Windows/DOS
if ( $^O =~ /^MSWin/i || $^O =~ /^dos/ )
$image_dir = "C:\\mcb\\images" ;
$path_sep = "\\" ;
- d $image_dir or die "$0: image directory ($image_dir)\ndoes not exist\n" ;
# Print help message if script was not invoked properly
( @ARGV == 2 || @ARGV == 3 ) or die <<USAGE_MESSAGE;
Usage: $0 image_file mime_type [image_name]
image_file = name of the image file to store
mime_time = the image MIME type (e.g., image/jpeg or image/png)
image_name = alternate name to give the image
image_name is optional; if not specified, the default is the
image file basename.
my $file_name = shift ( @ARGV ); # image filename
my $mime_type = shift ( @ARGV ); # image MIME type
my $image_name = shift ( @ARGV ); # image name (optional)
# if image name was not specified, use filename basename
# (permit either / or \ as separator)
( $image_name = $file_name ) =~ s |.* [ /\\ ] || unless defined ( $image_name );
my $fh = new FileHandle ;
my ( $size , $data );
sysopen ( $fh , $file_name , O_RDONLY )
or die "Cannot read $file_name: $!\n" ;
binmode ( $fh ); # helpful for binary data
$size = ( stat ( $fh ))[ 7 ];
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