Database Reference
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# No encoding is done because the chapter numbers are digits and don't
# need it.
sub get_chapter_list
my ( $dbh , $cnum ) = @_ ;
my $nav_index ;
my $ref = $dbh -> selectcol_arrayref (
WHERE bname = 'Esther' ORDER BY cnum"
foreach my $cur_cnum ( @ { $ref })
my $link = url () . "?chapter=$cur_cnum" ;
my $label = "Chapter $cur_cnum" ;
$nav_index .= br () if $nav_index ; # separate entries by <br>
# use static bold text if entry is for current chapter,
# use a hyperlink otherwise
$nav_index .= ( $cur_cnum == $cnum
? strong ( $label )
: a ({ - href => $link }, $label ));
return $nav_index ;
# Get the list of verses for a given chapter. If there are none, the
# chapter number was invalid, but handle that case sensibly.
sub get_verses
my ( $dbh , $cnum ) = @_ ;
my $ref = $dbh -> selectall_arrayref (
"SELECT vnum, vtext FROM kjv
WHERE bname = 'Esther' AND cnum = ?" ,
undef , $cnum );
my $verses = "" ;
foreach my $row_ref ( @ { $ref })
$verses .= p ( escapeHTML ( "$row_ref->[0]. $row_ref->[1]" ));
return $verses eq "" # no verses?
? p ( "No verses in chapter $cnum were found." )
: p ( "Chapter $cnum:" ) . $verses ;
my $title = "The Topic of Esther" ;
my $page = header () . start_html ( - title => $title );
my $dbh = Cookbook:: connect ();
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