Database Reference
In-Depth Information
my $page = header ()
. start_html ( - title => $title )
. h3 ( $title );
my $dbh = Cookbook:: connect ();
# Retrieve verses from the book of Esther and associate each one with the
# list of verses for the chapter it belongs to.
my $sth = $dbh -> prepare ( "SELECT cnum, vnum, vtext FROM kjv
WHERE bname = 'Esther'
ORDER BY cnum, vnum" );
$sth -> execute ();
my %verses ;
while ( my ( $cnum , $vnum , $vtext ) = $sth -> fetchrow_array ())
# Initialize chapter's verse list to empty array if this is
# first verse for it, then add verse number/text to array.
$verses { $cnum } = [] unless exists ( $verses { $cnum });
push ( @ { $verses { $cnum }}, p ( escapeHTML ( "$vnum. $vtext" )));
# Determine all chapter numbers and use them to construct a navigation
# index. These are links of the form <a href="#num>Chapter num</a>, where
# num is a chapter number and '#' signifies a within-page link. No URL-
# or HTML-encoding is done here (the text displayed here doesn't need
# it). Make sure to sort chapter numbers numerically (use { a <=> b }).
# Separate links by nonbreaking spaces.
my $nav_index ;
foreach my $cnum ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys ( %verses ))
$nav_index .= "&nbsp;" if $nav_index ;
$nav_index .= a ({ - href => "#$cnum" }, "Chapter $cnum" );
# Display list of verses for each chapter. Precede each section by a
# label that shows the chapter number and a copy of the navigation index.
foreach my $cnum ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys ( %verses ))
# add an <a name> anchor for this section of the chapter display
$page .= p ( a ({ - name => $cnum }, font ({ - size => "+2" }, "Chapter $cnum" ))
. br ()
. $nav_index );
$page .= join ( "" , @ { $verses { $cnum }}); # add array of verses for chapter
$dbh -> disconnect ();
$page .= end_html ();
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