Database Reference
In-Depth Information
| 2008 | Children 18:3 | Children 18:3 |
| 2004 | Dave Bainbridge | Veil of Gossamer |
| 1990 | Iona | Iona |
| 2011 | Iona | Another Realm |
| 2005 | Neal Morse | ? |
| 2013 | Red | Release the Panic |
| 1982 | Undercover | Undercover |
To display this query result as a bordered HTML table, produce output that looks
something like this:
<table border= "1" >
<th> Year </th>
<th> Artist </th>
<th> Title </th>
<td> 2002 </td>
<td> Aradhna </td>
<td> Marga Darshan </td>
<td> 1999 </td>
<td> Charlie Peacock </td>
<td> Kingdom Come </td>
... other rows here ...
<td> 1982 </td>
<td> Undercover </td>
<td> Undercover </td>
To convert the results of a query to an HTML table, wrap each value from a given result
set row in cell tags, each row in row tags, and the entire set of rows in table tags. A JSP
page might produce an HTML table from the cd table query like this:
<table border= "1" >
<th> Year </th>
<th> Artist </th>
<th> Title </th>
<sql:query dataSource= "${conn}" var= "rs" >
SELECT year, artist, title FROM cd ORDER BY artist, year
<c:forEach items= "${rs.rows}" var= "row" >
<td><c:out value= "${row.year}" /></td>
<td><c:out value= "${row.artist}" /></td>
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