Database Reference
In-Depth Information
print p ( escapeHTML ( "The server version is $version." ));
print p ( escapeHTML ( "The default database is $db." ));
In Ruby, use the cgi module escapeHTML method to encode the paragraph text, and
then pass it to the p method to produce the paragraph tags:
( now , version , db ) =
dbh . select_one ( "SELECT NOW(), VERSION(), DATABASE()" )
db = "NONE" if db . nil?
cgi = CGI . new ( "html4" )
cgi . out {
cgi . p { CGI . escapeHTML ( "Local time on the MySQL server is #{ now } ." ) } +
cgi . p { CGI . escapeHTML ( "The server version is #{ version } ." ) } +
cgi . p { CGI . escapeHTML ( "The default database is #{ db } ." ) }
For languages without HTML-tag methods for the required elements, put <p> and </p>
tags around the encoded paragraph text. PHP and Python are examples of this.
$sth = $dbh -> query ( "SELECT NOW(), VERSION(), DATABASE()" );
list ( $now , $version , $db ) = $sth -> fetch ( PDO :: FETCH_NUM );
if ( $db === NULL )
$db = "NONE" ;
$para = "Local time on the MySQL server is $now ." ;
print ( "<p>" . htmlspecialchars ( $para ) . "</p>" );
$para = "The server version is $version ." ;
print ( "<p>" . htmlspecialchars ( $para ) . "</p>" );
$para = "The default database is $db ." ;
print ( "<p>" . htmlspecialchars ( $para ) . "</p>" );
cursor = conn . cursor ()
cursor . execute ( "SELECT NOW(), VERSION(), DATABASE()" )
( now , version , db ) = cursor . fetchone ()
cursor . close ()
if db is None :
db = 'NONE'
para = "Local time on the MySQL server is %s ." % now
print ( "<p> %s </p>" % cgi . escape ( para , 1 ))
para = "The server version is %s ." % version
print ( "<p> %s </p>" % cgi . escape ( para , 1 ))
para = "The default database is %s ." % db
print ( "<p> %s </p>" % cgi . escape ( para , 1 ))
In JSP, produce the paragraph display using rowsByIndex to access the result set row's
columns by numeric index and <c:out> to encode and print the text:
<sql:query dataSource= "${conn}" var= "rs" >
<c:set var= "row" value= "${rs.rowsByIndex[0]}" />
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