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print ( '<a href=" %s "> %s </a><br />' % ( url , label ))
cursor . close ()
The first argument to cgi.escape() is the string to be HTML-encoded. By default, this
function converts < , > , and & characters to their corresponding HTML entities. To tell
cgi.escape() to also convert double quotes to the &quot; entity, pass a second argu‐
ment of 1 , as shown in the example. This is especially important if you're encoding values
to be placed within a double-quoted tag attribute.
Java. The <c:out> JSTL tag automatically performs HTML-encoding for JSP pages.
(Strictly speaking, it performs XML-encoding, but the set of characters affected is < , > ,
& , " , and ' , which includes all those needed for HTML-encoding.) By using <c:out> to
display text in a web page, you need not think about converting special characters to
HTML entities. If for some reason you want to suppress encoding, invoke <c:out> with
an encodeXML attribute value of false :
<c:out value= " value to display " encodeXML="false"/>
To URL-encode parameters for inclusion in a URL, use the <c:url> tag. Specify the
URL string in the tag's value attribute, and include any parameter values and names in
<c:param> tags in the body of the <c:url> tag. A parameter value can be given either
in the value attribute of a <c:param> tag or in its body. Here's an example that shows
both uses:
<c:url var= "urlStr" value= "myscript.jsp" >
<c:param name= "id" value = "47" />
<c:param name= "color" > sky blue </c:param>
This URL-encodes the values of the id and color parameters and adds them to the end
of the URL. The result is placed in an object named urlStr , which you can display as
<c:out value= "${urlStr}" />
The <c:url> tag does not encode special characters such as spaces in
the string supplied in its value attribute. You must encode them
yourself, so it's probably best to avoid creating pages with spaces in
their names.
To display entries from the phrase table, use the <c:out> and <c:url> tags as follows:
<sql:query dataSource= "${conn}" var= "rs" >
SELECT phrase_val FROM phrase ORDER BY phrase_val
<c:forEach items= "${rs.rows}" var= "row" >
<%- - URL - encode the phrase value for use in the URL -- %>
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