Database Reference
In-Depth Information
5. The mcb/WEB-INF directory contains a file named . This file is
not part of JSTL itself, but it contains a JSTL <sql:setDataSource> tag used by
many of the mcb JSP pages to set up a data source for connecting to the cookbook
database. The file looks like this:
var= "conn"
driver= "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
url= "jdbc:mysql://localhost/cookbook"
user= "cbuser"
password= "cbpass"
Edit the url , user , and password tag attributes if necessary to change the connection
parameters to those that you use for accessing the cookbook database. Do not change
the var attribute, which names the variable to associate with the connection. By
convention, mcb JSP pages in MySQL Cookbook use the variable conn ; tags occurring
later in the page that require a data source refer to the connection using the ex‐
pression ${conn} .
6. The JSTL distribution also includes WAR files containing documentation and ex‐
amples ( standard-doc.war and standard-examples.war ). If you want to install these,
copy them into Tomcat's webapps directory. (I recommand that you install the doc‐
umentation so that you can access it locally from your own server. It's useful to
install the examples as well because they provide helpful demonstrations showing
how to use JSTL tags in JSP pages.)
7. Restart Tomcat so it notices the changes you just made to the mcb application and
unpacks the WAR files containing the JSTL documentation and examples.
After installing JSTL and restarting Tomcat, request the following mcb application page
to verify that Tomcat can find and use the JSTL tag library properly:
Use these URLs to access the documentation and examples:
Writing a MySQL script using JSP and JSTL
Recipe 18.2 shows how to write Perl, Ruby, PHP, and Python versions of a script to
display the names of the tables in the cookbook database. With the JSTL tags, we can
write a corresponding JSP page that provides that information:
<%- - show_tables . jsp : Display names of tables in cookbook database -- %>
<%@ taglib prefix = "c" uri = "" %>
<%@ taglib prefix = "sql" uri = "" %>
<%@ include file = "/WEB-INF/" %>
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