Database Reference
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Installing the mcb application
Web applications for Tomcat typically are packaged as WAR (web archive) files and
installed under its webapps directory, which is roughly analogous to Apache's htdocs
document root directory. The recipes distribution includes a sample application
named mcb to use for the JSP examples described here. Look in the distribution's tom
cat directory, where you will find a file named mcb.war . Copy that file to Tomcat's
webapps directory and restart Tomcat.
As distributed, Tomcat is configured by default to look for WAR files under webapps
when it starts and automatically unpack any that have not already been unpacked. This
means that restarting Tomcat after copying mcb.war to the webapps directory should
be enough to unpack the mcb application. When Tomcat finishes its startup sequence,
look under webapps and you should see a new mcb directory under which are all the
files contained in mcb.war . Explore the mcb directory if you like. It should contain
several files that clients can request using a browser. There should also be a WEB-INF
subdirectory, which is used for information that is private—that is, available for use by
scripts in the mcb directory, but not directly accessible by clients.
Next, to verify that Tomcat can serve pages from the mcb application context, request
some of them from your browser. The main mcb page is:
The following URLs request in turn a simple static HTML page, servlet, and JSP page
(each is available from the main page):
Adjust the hostname and port number in the URLs appropriately for your installation.
Installing the JDBC driver
Some JSP pages in the mcb application need a JDBC driver for connecting to the cook
book database. This topic uses the MySQL Connector/J driver.
To install Connector/J for use by Tomcat applications, place a copy of it in Tomcat's
directory tree. Assuming that the driver is packaged as a JAR file (as is the case for
Connector/J), there are different places under the Tomcat root directory where you can
install it, depending on how visible you want the driver to be:
To make the driver available only to the mcb application, place it in the mcb/WEB-
INF/lib directory under Tomcat's webapps directory.
• To make the driver available both to Tomcat and to applications, place it in the lib
directory under the Tomcat root.
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