Database Reference
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print $row [ 0 ], $cgi -> br ();
$dbh -> disconnect ();
# Print page trailer
print $cgi -> end_html ();
To try the script, install it in your cgi-bin directory and request it from your browser as
The script includes the module with a use CGI statement, and then creates a
CGI object, $cgi , through which it invokes the various HTML-generation calls. head
er() generates the Content-Type: header and start_html() produces the initial page
tags up through the opening <body> tag. After generating the first part of the page, retrieves and displays information from the server. Each table name
is followed by a <br /> tag, produced by invoking the br() method. end_html() pro‐
duces the closing </body> and </html> tags. calls often take multiple parameters, many of which are optional. To enable
you to specify just those parameters you need, understands -name => value
notation in parameter lists. For example, in the start_html() call, the title parameter
sets the page title. The -name => value notation also permits parameters to be specified
in any order.
To use the function call interface rather than the object-oriented interface, write
scripts a little differently. The use line that references should import the method
names into your script's namespace so that you can invoke them directly as functions
without having to create a CGI object. For example, to import the most commonly used
methods, the script should include this statement:
use CGI qw(:standard) ;
The following script, , is the function call equivalent of the script just shown. It uses the same calls, but invokes them
as standalone functions rather than through a $cgi object:
# Display names of tables in cookbook database
# (use the function-call interface)
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use CGI qw(:standard) ; # import standard method names into script namespace
use Cookbook ;
# Print header, blank line, and initial part of page
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