Database Reference
In-Depth Information
• Measures of central tendency, such as mean, median, and mode
• Measures of variation, such as standard deviation and variance
Aside from the median and mode, all of these can be calculated easily by invoking
aggregate functions:
mysql> SELECT COUNT(score) AS n,
-> SUM(score) AS sum,
-> MIN(score) AS minimum,
-> MAX(score) AS maximum,
-> AVG(score) AS mean,
-> STDDEV_SAMP(score) AS 'std. dev.',
-> VAR_SAMP(score) AS 'variance'
-> FROM testscore;
| n | sum | minimum | maximum | mean | std. dev. | variance |
| 20 | 146 | 4 | 10 | 7.3000 | 1.8382 | 3.3789 |
The STDDEV_SAMP() and VAR_SAMP() functions produce sample measures rather than
population measures. That is, for a set of n values, they produce a result that is based on
n -1 degrees of freedom. For the population measures, which are based on n degrees of
freedom, use STDDEV_POP() and VAR_POP() instead. STDDEV() and VARIANCE() are
synonyms for STDDEV_POP() and VAR_POP() .
Standard deviation can be used to identify outliers—values that are uncharacteristically
far from the mean. For example, to select values that lie more than three standard de‐
viations from the mean, do this:
SELECT @ mean : = AVG ( score ), @ std : = STDDEV_SAMP ( score ) FROM testscore ;
SELECT score FROM testscore WHERE ABS ( score -@ mean ) > @ std * 3 ;
MySQL has no built-in function for computing the mode or median of a set of values,
but you can compute them yourself. To determine the mode (the value that occurs most
frequently), count each value and see which is most common:
mysql> SELECT score, COUNT(score) AS frequency
-> FROM testscore GROUP BY score ORDER BY frequency DESC;
| score | frequency |
| 9 | 5 |
| 6 | 4 |
| 7 | 4 |
| 4 | 2 |
| 8 | 2 |
| 10 | 2 |
| 5 | 1 |
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