Database Reference
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that references column values by name, nonunique column names cause values to be‐
come inaccessible. Suppose that you fetch rows in a Perl DBI script like this:
while ( my $ref = $sth -> fetchrow_hashref ())
... process row hash here ...
Fetching rows into the hash yields three hash elements ( name , title , price ); one of the
name elements is lost. To solve this problem, supply aliases that make the column names
SELECT artist . name AS painter , painting . title ,
states . name AS state , painting . price
FROM artist INNER JOIN painting INNER JOIN states
ON artist . a_id = painting . a_id AND painting . state = states . abbrev ;
Now fetching rows into a hash yields four hash elements ( painter , title , state , price ).
To address the problem without column renaming, fetch the row into something other
than a hash. For example, fetch the row into an array and refer to the columns by ordinal
position within the array:
while ( my @val = $sth -> fetchrow_array ())
print "painter: $val[0], title: $val[1], "
. "state: $val[2], price: $val[3]\n" ;
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