Database Reference
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To make the meaning of a statement clearer to human readers, it's often useful to qualify
column names even when that's not strictly necessary as far as MySQL is concerned. I
tend to use qualified names in join examples for that reason.
To avoid writing complete table names when qualifying column references, give each
table a short alias and refer to its columns using the alias. The following two statements
are equivalent:
SELECT artist . name , painting . title , states . name , painting . price
FROM artist INNER JOIN painting INNER JOIN states
ON artist . a_id = painting . a_id AND painting . state = states . abbrev ;
SELECT a . name , p . title , s . name , p . price
FROM artist AS a INNER JOIN painting AS p INNER JOIN states AS s
ON a . a_id = p . a_id AND p . state = s . abbrev ;
In AS alias_name clauses, the AS is optional.
For complicated statements that select many columns, aliases can save a lot of typing.
In addition, for some types of statements, aliases are not only convenient but necessary,
as will become evident when we get to the topic of self-joins (see Recipe 14.4 ).
Joining Tables from Different Databases
To perform a join between tables located in different databases, qualify table and column
names sufficiently that MySQL knows what you're referring to. Thus far, we have used
the artist and painting tables with the implicit understanding that both are in the
cookbook database, so we can simply refer to the tables without specifying any database
name when cookbook is the default database. For example, the following statement uses
the two tables to associate artists with their paintings:
SELECT artist . name , painting . title
FROM artist INNER JOIN painting
ON artist . a_id = painting . a_id ;
But suppose instead that artist is in the db1 database and painting is in the db2
database. To indicate this, qualify each table name with a prefix that specifies which
database it's in. The fully qualified form of the join looks like this:
SELECT db1 . artist . name , db2 . painting . title
FROM db1 . artist INNER JOIN db2 . painting
ON db1 . artist . a_id = db2 . painting . a_id ;
Table aliases can simplify that considerably:
SELECT a . name , p . title
FROM db1 . artist AS a INNER JOIN db2 . painting AS p
ON a . a_id = p . a_id ;
If there is no default database, or it is neither db1 nor db2 , it's necessary to fully qualify
both table names. If the default database is either db1 or db2 , you can dispense with the
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