Database Reference
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Using API-specific methods to obtain AUTO_INCREMENT values
LAST_INSERT_ID() is an SQL function, so you can use it from within any client that can
execute SQL statements. On the other hand, you do have to execute a separate statement
to get its value. When you write your own programs, you may have another choice.
Many MySQL interfaces include an API-specific extension that returns the AUTO_IN
CREMENT value without executing an additional statement. Most of our APIs have this
Use the mysql_insertid attribute to obtain the AUTO_INCREMENT value generated
by a statement. This attribute is accessed through either a database handle or a
statement handle, depending on how you issue the statement. The following ex‐
ample references it through the database handle:
$dbh -> do ( "INSERT INTO insect (name,date,origin)
VALUES('moth','2014-09-14','windowsill')" );
my $seq = $dbh -> { mysql_insertid };
To access mysql_insertid as a statement-handle attribute, use prepare() and
execute() :
my $sth = $dbh -> prepare ( "INSERT INTO insect (name,date,origin)
VALUES('moth','2014-09-14','windowsill')" );
$sth -> execute ();
my $seq = $sth -> { mysql_insertid };
The Ruby DBI driver for MySQL exposes the client-side AUTO_INCREMENT value
using the func database-handle method that returns driver-specific values:
dbh . do ( "INSERT INTO insect (name,date,origin)
VALUES('moth','2014-09-14','windowsill')" )
seq = dbh . func ( :insert_id )
The PDO interface for MySQL has a lastInsertId() database-handle method that
returns the most recent AUTO_INCREMENT value:
$dbh -> exec ( "INSERT INTO insect (name,date,origin)
VALUES('moth','2014-09-14','windowsill')" );
$seq = $dbh -> lastInsertId ();
The Connector/Python driver for DB API provides a lastrowid cursor object at‐
tribute that returns the most recent AUTO_INCREMENT value:
cursor = conn . cursor ()
cursor . execute ( '''
INSERT INTO insect (name,date,origin)
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