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values that make each row easy to refer to. An AUTO_INCREMENT column is good for this
purpose, so a better insect table has a structure like this:
name VARCHAR ( 30 ) NOT NULL , # type of insect
date DATE NOT NULL , # date collected
origin VARCHAR ( 30 ) NOT NULL # where collected
Go ahead and create the insect table using this second CREATE TABLE statement.
( Recipe 13.2 discusses the particulars of the id column definition.)
Now that you have an AUTO_INCREMENT column, use it to generate new sequence values.
One of the useful properties of an AUTO_INCREMENT column is that you need not assign
its values yourself: MySQL does so for you. There are two ways to generate new AU
TO_INCREMENT values in the id column. One is to explicitly set the id column to NULL .
The following statement inserts the first four of Junior's specimens into the insect table
that way:
mysql> INSERT INTO insect (id,name,date,origin) VALUES
-> (NULL,'housefly','2014-09-10','kitchen'),
-> (NULL,'millipede','2014-09-10','driveway'),
-> (NULL,'grasshopper','2014-09-10','front yard'),
-> (NULL,'stink bug','2014-09-10','front yard');
Alternatively, omit the id column from the INSERT statement entirely. MySQL permits
creating rows without explicitly specifying values for columns that have a default value.
MySQL assigns each missing column its default value, and the default for an AUTO_IN
CREMENT column is its next sequence number. Thus, this statement adds Junior's other
four specimens to the insect table and generates sequence values without naming the
id column at all:
mysql> INSERT INTO insect (name,date,origin) VALUES
-> ('cabbage butterfly','2014-09-10','garden'),
-> ('ant','2014-09-10','back yard'),
-> ('ant','2014-09-10','back yard'),
-> ('termite','2014-09-10','kitchen woodwork');
Whichever method you use, MySQL determines the sequence number for each row and
assigns it to the id column, as you can verify:
mysql> SELECT * FROM insect ORDER BY id;
| id | name | date | origin |
| 1 | housefly | 2014-09-10 | kitchen |
| 2 | millipede | 2014-09-10 | driveway |
| 3 | grasshopper | 2014-09-10 | front yard |
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