Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Use an external utility to rewrite the dates to non-ISO format after exporting the data
from MySQL ( is useful here). Or use the DATE_FORMAT() function to rewrite
the values during the export operation.
Suppose that you want to export data from MySQL into an application that doesn't
understand ISO-format dates. One way to do this is to export the data into a file, leaving
the dates in ISO format. Then run the file through a utility such as that
rewrites the dates into the required format (see Recipe 12.12 ).
Another approach is to export the dates directly in the required format by rewriting
them with DATE_FORMAT() . Suppose that you have the following table:
i INT ,
c CHAR ( 10 ),
d DATE ,
Suppose also that you need to export data from this table, but with the dates in any DATE ,
DATETIME , or TIMESTAMP columns rewritten in US format ( MM-DD-CCYY ). A SELECT
statement that uses the DATE_FORMAT() function to rewrite the dates as required looks
like this:
i ,
c ,
DATE_FORMAT ( d , '%m-%d-%Y' ) AS d ,
DATE_FORMAT ( dt , '%m-%d-%Y %T' ) AS dt ,
DATE_FORMAT ( ts , '%m-%d-%Y %T' ) AS ts
FROM datetbl
If datetbl contains the following rows:
3 abc 2005-12-31 2005-12-31 12:05:03 2005-12-31 12:05:03
4 xyz 2006-01-31 2006-01-31 12:05:03 2006-01-31 12:05:03
The statement generates output that looks like this:
3 abc 12-31-2005 12-31-2005 12:05:03 12-31-2005 12:05:03
4 xyz 01-31-2006 01-31-2006 12:05:03 01-31-2006 12:05:03
12.15. Epilogue
Recall the scenario presented at the beginning of Chapter 11 :
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