Database Reference
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print join ( "\t" , @val ) . "\n" ;
The script only does reformatting, it doesn't validate the dates. To do that, modify the
script to use the module by adding this statement after the use
warnings line:
use Cookbook_Utils ;
That gives the script access to the module's is_valid_date() routine. To use it, change
this line:
if ( exists ( $map { $month }))
To this:
if ( exists ( $map { $month }) && is_valid_date ( $year , $map { $month }, $day ))
12.13. Importing Non-ISO Date Values
Date values to be imported are not in the ISO ( CCYY-MM-DD ) format that MySQL expects.
Use an external utility to convert the dates to ISO format before importing the data into
MySQL ( is useful here). Or use LOAD DATA 's capability for preprocessing input
data prior to loading it into the database.
Suppose that a table contains three columns, name , date , and value , where date is a
DATE column requiring values in ISO format ( CCYY-MM-DD ). Suppose also that you're
given a datafile newdata.txt to be imported into the table, but its contents look like this:
name1 01/01/99 38
name2 12/31/00 40
name3 02/28/13 42
name4 01/02/18 44
The dates are in MM/DD/YY format and must be converted to ISO format to be stored as
DATE values in MySQL. One way to do this is to run the file through the script
from Recipe 12.12 :
% --iformat=us --add-century newdata.txt > tmp.txt
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