Database Reference
In-Depth Information looks for dates like Feb. 6 , 1788 and converts them to ISO
format. It illustrates how to map dates with nonnumeric parts to a format that
MySQL understands.
All three scripts are located in the transfer directory of the recipes distribution. They
assume datafiles are in tab-delimited, linefeed-terminated format. To work with files
that have a different format, use (see Recipe 11.6 ).
Our first date-processing utility, , looks for dates in US format and rewrites
them into ISO format. You'll recognize that it's modeled after the general input-
processing loop shown in Recipe 12.2 , with some extra stuff thrown in to perform a
specific type of conversion:
# Read input data, look for values that match
# a date pattern, convert them to ISO format. Also converts
# 2-digit years to 4-digit years, using a transition point of 70.
# By default, this looks for dates in MM-DD-[CC]YY format.
# Does not check whether dates actually are valid (for example,
# won't complain about 13-49-1928).
# Assumes tab-delimited, linefeed-terminated input lines.
use strict ;
use warnings ;
# transition point at which 2-digit XX year values are assumed to be
# 19XX (below that, they are treated as 20XX)
my $transition = 70 ;
while ( <> )
chomp ;
my @val = split ( /\t/ , $_ , 10000 ); # split, preserving all fields
for my $i ( 0 .. @val - 1 )
# look for strings in MM-DD-[CC]YY format
next unless $val [ $i ] =~ /^(\d{1,2})\D(\d{1,2})\D(\d{2,4})$/ ;
my ( $month , $day , $year ) = ( $1 , $2 , $3 );
# to interpret dates as DD-MM-[CC]YY instead, replace preceding
# line with the following one:
#my ($day, $month, $year) = ($1, $2, $3);
# convert 2-digit years to 4 digits, then update value in array
$year += ( $year >= $transition ? 1900 : 2000 ) if $year < 100 ;
$val [ $i ] = sprintf ( "%04d-%02d-%02d" , $year , $month , $day );
print join ( "\t" , @val ) . "\n" ;
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