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# a different collation)
$valid = 1 ; # assume valid until we find out otherwise
foreach my $v ( split ( /,/ , $val ))
if ( ! grep ( /^$v$/i , @ { $info -> { values }}))
$valid = 0 ; # value contains an invalid element
last ;
return $valid ;
For bulk testing, construct a hash from the legal SET members. The procedure is the
same as shown previously for producing a hash from ENUM elements.
To validate a given input value against the SET member hash, convert it to the same
lettercase as the hash keys, split it at commas to get a list of the individual elements of
the value, and then check each one. If any of the elements are invalid, the entire value
is invalid:
$valid = 1 ; # assume valid until we find out otherwise
foreach my $elt ( split ( /,/ , lc ( $val )))
if ( ! exists ( $members { $elt }))
$valid = 0 ; # value contains an invalid element
last ;
After the loop terminates, $valid is true if the value is legal for the SET column, and
false otherwise. Empty strings are always legal SET values, but this code performs no
special-case test for an empty string. No such test is necessary because in that case the
split() operation returns an empty list, the loop never executes, and $valid remains
12.9. Using a Lookup Table to Validate Data
You must check values to make sure they're listed in a lookup table.
Issue statements to check whether the values are in the table. The best way to do this
depends on the number of input values and the table size.
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