Database Reference
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| enum('blue','red','green','brown','black','white') |
If you extract the list of enumeration members from the COLUMN_TYPE value and store
them in an array @members , you can perform the membership test like this:
$valid = grep ( /^$val$/i , @members );
The pattern constructor begins and ends with ^ and $ to require $val to match an entire
enumeration member (rather than just a substring). It also is followed by an i to specify
a case-insensitive comparison because the default collation is latin1_swedish_ci ,
which is case-insensitive. (If you have a column with a different collation, adjust ac‐
In Recipe 10.7 , we wrote a function get_enumorset_info() that returns ENUM or SET
column metadata. This includes the list of members, so it's easy to use that function to
write another utility routine, check_enum_value() , that gets the legal enumeration val‐
ues and performs the membership test. The routine takes four arguments: a database
handle, the table name and column name for the ENUM column, and the value to check.
It returns true or false to indicate whether the value is legal:
sub check_enum_value
my ( $dbh , $db_name , $tbl_name , $col_name , $val ) = @_ ;
my $valid = 0 ;
my $info = get_enumorset_info ( $dbh , $db_name , $tbl_name , $col_name );
if ( $info && uc ( $info -> { type }) eq "ENUM" )
# use case-insensitive comparison because default collation
# (latin1_swedish_ci) is case-insensitive (adjust if you use
# a different collation)
$valid = grep ( /^$val$/i , @ { $info -> { values }});
return $valid ;
For single-value testing, such as to validate a value submitted in a web form, that kind
of test works well. However, to test a lot of values (like an entire column in a datafile),
it's better to read the enumeration values into memory once, then use them repeatedly
to check each data value. Furthermore, it's a lot more efficient to perform hash lookups
than array lookups (in Perl at least). To do so, retrieve the legal enumeration values and
store them as keys of a hash. Then test each input value by checking whether it exists
as a hash key. It's a little more effort to construct the hash, which is why check_enum_val
ue() doesn't do so. But for bulk validation, the improved lookup speed more than makes
up for the hash construction overhead. (To check for yourself the relative efficiency of
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