Database Reference
In-Depth Information
my $eol = "\n" ;
GetOptions (
# =i means an integer value is required after the option
# =s means a string value is required after the option
"help" => \ $help , # print help message
"host|h=s" => \ $host_name , # server host
"password|p=s" => \ $password , # password
"port|P=i" => \ $port_num , # port number
"socket|S=s" => \ $socket_name , # socket name
"user|u=s" => \ $user_name , # username
"execute|e=s" => \ $stmt , # statement to execute
"table|t=s" => \ $tbl_name , # table to export
"labels|l" => \ $labels , # generate row of column labels
"delim=s" => \ $delim , # column delimiter
"quote=s" => \ $quote , # column quoting character
"eol=s" => \ $eol # end-of-line (record) delimiter
) or die "$usage\n" ;
die "$usage\n" if defined ( $help );
$db_name = shift ( @ARGV ) if @ARGV ;
# One of --execute or --table must be specified, but not both
die "You must specify a query or a table name\n\n$usage\n"
unless defined ( $stmt ) || defined ( $tbl_name );
die "You cannot specify both a query and a table name\n\n$usage\n"
if defined ( $stmt ) && defined ( $tbl_name );
# interpret special chars in the file structure options
$quote = interpret_option ( $quote );
$delim = interpret_option ( $delim );
$eol = interpret_option ( $eol );
The interpret_option() function (not shown) processes escape and hex sequences
for the --delim , --quote , and --eol options. It interprets \n , \r , \t , and \0 as linefeed,
carriage return, tab, and the ASCII NUL character. It also interprets hex values, which
can be given in 0x nn form (for example, 0x0d indicates a carriage return).
After processing the command-line options, constructs the data source
name (DSN) and connects to the MySQL server:
my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:" ;
$dsn .= ";database=$db_name" if $db_name ;
$dsn .= ";host=$host_name" if $host_name ;
$dsn .= ";port=$port_num" if $port_num ;
$dsn .= ";mysql_socket=$socket_name" if $socket_name ;
# read [client] group parameters from standard option files
$dsn .= ";mysql_read_default_group=client" ;
my $conn_attrs = { PrintError => 0 , RaiseError => 1 , AutoCommit => 1 };
my $dbh = DBI -> connect ( $dsn , $user_name , $password , $conn_attrs );
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