Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The line-ending sequence used in a datafile typically is determined by the system from
which the file originated. Unix files normally have lines terminated by linefeeds, which
you indicate like this:
Because \n happens to be the default line terminator, you need not specify that clause
in this case unless you want to indicate the line-ending sequence explicitly. If files on
your system don't use the Unix default (linefeed), you must specify the line terminator
explicitly. For files that have lines ending in carriage returns or carriage return/linefeed
pairs, respectively, use the appropriate LINES TERMINATED BY clause:
For example, to load a Windows file that contains tab-delimited fields and lines ending
with CRLF pairs, use this LOAD DATA statement:
mysql> LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'mytbl.txt' INTO TABLE mytbl
The corresponding mysqlimport command is:
% mysqlimport --local --lines-terminated-by="\r\n" cookbook mytbl.txt
If the file has been transferred from one machine to another, its contents may have been
changed in subtle ways of which you're not aware. For example, an FTP transfer between
machines running different operating systems typically translates line endings to those
that are appropriate for the destination machine if the transfer is performed in text mode
rather than in binary (image) mode.
When in doubt, check the contents of your datafile using a hex dump program or other
utility that displays a visible representation of whitespace characters like tab, carriage
return, and linefeed. Under Unix, programs such as od or hexdump can display file
contents in a variety of formats. If you don't have these or some comparable utility, the
transfer directory of the recipes distribution contains hex dumpers written in Perl,
Ruby, and Python ( , hexdump.rb , and ), as well as programs that
display printable representations of all characters of a file ( , see.rb , and ). You
may find them useful for examining files to see what they really contain.
Dealing with quotes and special characters
If your datafile contains quoted values or escaped characters, tell LOAD DATA to be aware
of them so that it doesn't load uninterpreted data values into the database.
The FIELDS clause can specify other format options besides TERMINATED BY . By default,
LOAD DATA assumes that values are unquoted, and it interprets the backslash ( \ ) as an
escape character for special characters. To indicate the value-quoting character explic‐
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