Database Reference
In-Depth Information
my $ver_num = ( get_server_version ( $dbh ))[ 1 ];
printf "Event scheduler: %s\n" , ( $ver_num >= 50106 ? "yes" : "no" );
printf "4-byte Unicode: %s\n" , ( $ver_num >= 50503 ? "yes" : "no" );
printf "Fractional seconds: %s\n" , ( $ver_num >= 50604 ? "yes" : "no" );
printf "SHA-256 passwords: %s\n" , ( $ver_num >= 50606 ? "yes" : "no" );
printf "ALTER USER: %s\n" , ( $ver_num >= 50607 ? "yes" : "no" );
printf "INSERT DELAYED: %s\n" , ( $ver_num >= 50700 ? "no" : "yes" );
The recipes distribution metadata directory contains get_server_version() imple‐
mentations in other API languages, and the routines directory contains a server_ver
sion() stored function for use in SQL statements. The latter function returns only the
numeric value because VERSION() already produces the string value. The following ex‐
ample shows how to use it to implement a stored procedure that expires an account
password if the server is recent enough to support the ALTER USER statement (MySQL
5.6.7 or later):
CREATE PROCEDURE expire_password ( user TEXT , host TEXT )
DECLARE account TEXT ;
SET account = CONCAT ( QUOTE ( user ), '@' , QUOTE ( host ));
IF server_version () >= 50607 AND user <> '' THEN
CALL exec_stmt ( CONCAT ( 'ALTER USER ' , account , ' PASSWORD EXPIRE' ));
expire_password() requires the exec_stmt() helper routine (see Recipe 9.9 ). Both are
available in the routines directory. For more information about password expiration,
see Recipe 23.5 .
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