Database Reference
In-Depth Information
info = get_enumorset_info ( dbh , db_name , tbl_name , col_name )
puts "Information for #{ db_name } . #{ tbl_name } . #{ col_name } :"
if info . nil?
puts "No information available (not an ENUM or SET column?)"
puts "Name: " + info [ "name" ]
puts "Type: " + info [ "type" ]
puts "Legal values: " + info [ "values" ]. join ( "," )
puts "Nullable: " + ( info [ "nullable" ] ? "yes" : "no" )
puts "Default value: " + ( info [ "default" ]. nil? ? "NULL" : info [ "default" ] )
That code produces the following output for the item table colors column:
Information for cookbook.item.colors:
Name: colors
Type: enum
Legal values: chartreuse,mauve,lime green,puce
Nullable: yes
Default value: puce
Equivalent routines for other APIs are similar. You can find implementations in the lib
directory of the recipes distribution. Such routines are useful for validation of input
values (see Recipe 12.8 ), and are especially handy for generating list elements in web
forms (see Recipes 20.2 and 20.3 ).
10.8. Getting Server Metadata
You want the MySQL server to tell you about itself.
Several SQL functions and SHOW statements return information about the server.
MySQL has several SQL functions and statements that provide you with information
about the server itself and about your current client session. The following table shows
a few that you may find useful. Both SHOW statements permit a GLOBAL or SESSION
keyword to select global server values or values specific to your session, and a LIKE
' pattern ' clause for limiting the results to variable names matching the pattern:
Information produced by statement
Server version string
Default database name ( NULL if none)
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