Database Reference
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SHOW FULL COLUMNS displays additional Collation , Privileges , and Comment fields for
each column. These correspond to the COLUMNS table COLLATION_NAME , PRIVILEGES , and
SHOW interprets the pattern the same way as for the LIKE operator in the WHERE clause of
a SELECT statement. (For information about pattern matching, see Recipe 5.8 .) If you
specify a literal column name, the string matches only that name and SHOW COLUMNS
displays information only for that column. However, a trap awaits the unwary here. If
your column name contains SQL pattern characters ( % or _ ) that you want to match
literally, you must escape them with a backslash in the pattern string to avoid matching
other names as well.
The need to escape % and _ characters to match a LIKE pattern literally also applies to
other SHOW statements that permit a name pattern in the LIKE clause, such as SHOW TABLES
Within a program, you can use your API language's pattern-matching capabilities to
escape SQL pattern characters before putting the column name into a SHOW statement.
In Perl, Ruby, and PHP, use the following expressions.
$name =~ s/([%_])/\\$1/g ;
name . gsub! ( /([%_])/ , '\\\\\1' )
$name = preg_replace ( '/([%_])/' , '\\\\$1' , $name );
For Python, import the re module, and use its sub() method:
name = re . sub ( r'([%_])' , r' \\ \1' , name )
For Java, use methods from the java.util.regex package:
import java.util.regex.* ;
Pattern p = Pattern . compile ( "([_%])" );
Matcher m = p . matcher ( name );
name = m . replaceAll ( "\\\\$1" );
If these expressions appear to have too many backslashes, remember that the API lan‐
guage processor itself interprets backslashes and strips off a level before performing the
pattern match. To get a literal backslash into the result, it must be doubled in the pattern.
Another level on top of that is needed if the pattern processor strips a set.
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