Database Reference
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print ( "Flags: %d " % ( flags ))
cursor . close ()
The code uses the FieldType class, imported as follows:
from mysql.connector import FieldType
The program produces this output:
Statement: SELECT name, birth FROM profile
Number of rows: 10
Number of columns: 2
--- Column 0 (name) ---
Type: 253 (VAR_STRING)
Nullable: 0
Flags: 4097
--- Column 1 (birth) ---
Type: 10 (DATE)
Nullable: 1
Flags: 128
JDBC makes result set metadata available through a ResultSetMetaData object, ob‐
tained by calling the getMetaData() method of your ResultSet object. The metadata
object provides access to several kinds of information. Its getColumnCount() method
returns the number of columns in the result set. Other types of metadata, illustrated by
the following code, provide information about individual columns and take a column
index as their argument. For JDBC, column indexes begin at 1 rather than 0, unlike our
other APIs:
String stmt = "SELECT name, birth FROM profile" ;
System . out . println ( "Statement: " + stmt );
Statement s = conn . createStatement ();
s . executeQuery ( stmt );
ResultSet rs = s . getResultSet ();
ResultSetMetaData md = rs . getMetaData ();
// metadata information becomes available at this point ...
int ncols = md . getColumnCount ();
System . out . println ( "Number of columns: " + ncols );
if ( ncols == 0 )
System . out . println ( "Note: statement has no result set" );
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= ncols ; i ++) // column index values are 1-based
System . out . println ( "--- Column " + i
+ " (" + md . getColumnName ( i ) + ") ---" );
System . out . println ( "getColumnDisplaySize: " + md . getColumnDisplaySize ( i ));
System . out . println ( "getColumnLabel: " + md . getColumnLabel ( i ));
System . out . println ( "getColumnType: " + md . getColumnType ( i ));
System . out . println ( "getColumnTypeName: " + md . getColumnTypeName ( i ));
System . out . println ( "getPrecision: " + md . getPrecision ( i ));
System . out . println ( "getScale: " + md . getScale ( i ));
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