Database Reference
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$sth = $dbh -> prepare ( $stmt );
$sth -> execute ();
printf ( "Number of rows updated: %d \n " , $sth -> rowCount ());
The PDO driver for MySQL returns rows-changed counts by default, but the driver
supports a PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_FOUND_ROWS attribute that you can specify at connect time
to control whether the server returns rows-changed or rows-matched counts. The new
PDO class constructor takes an optional key/value array following the password argu‐
ment. Pass PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_FOUND_ROWS => 1 in this array to request rows-matched
$dsn = "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=cookbook" ;
$dbh = new PDO ( $dsn , "cbuser" , "cbpass" ,
array ( PDO :: MYSQL_ATTR_FOUND_ROWS => 1 ));
Python's DB API makes the rows-changed count available as the value of the statement
cursor's rowcount attribute:
cursor = conn . cursor ()
cursor . execute ( stmt )
print ( "Number of rows affected: %d " % cursor . rowcount )
cursor . close ()
To obtain rows-matched counts instead, import the Connector/Python client-flag con‐
stants and pass the FOUND_ROWS flag in the client_flags parameter of the connect()
from mysql.connector.constants import ClientFlag
conn = mysql . connector . connect (
database = "cookbook" ,
host = "localhost" ,
user = "cbuser" ,
password = "cbpass" ,
client_flags = [ ClientFlag . FOUND_ROWS ]
For statements that modify rows, the Connector/J driver provides rows-matched counts
rather than rows-changed counts, for conformance with the Java JDBC specification.
The JDBC interface provides row counts two different ways, depending on the method
you invoke to execute the statement. If you use executeUpdate() , the row count is its
return value:
Statement s = conn . createStatement ();
int count = s . executeUpdate ( stmt );
s . close ();
System . out . println ( "Number of rows affected: " + count );
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