Database Reference
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CREATE TRIGGER bi_cust_invoice BEFORE INSERT ON cust_invoice
FOR EACH ROW SET NEW . tax_rate = sales_tax_rate ( NEW . state );
Within the trigger, NEW. col_name refers to the new value to be inserted into the given
column. By assigning a value to NEW. col_name within the trigger, you cause the column
to have that value in the new row.
This trigger is simple and its body contains only a single SQL statement. For a trigger
body that executes multiple statements, use BEGIN END compound-statement syntax.
In that case, if you use mysql to create the trigger, change the statement delimiter while
you define the trigger, as discussed in Recipe 9.1 .
To test the implementation, insert a row and check whether the trigger correctly initi‐
alizes the sales tax rate for the invoice:
mysql> INSERT INTO cust_invoice (state,amount) VALUES('NY',100);
mysql> SELECT * FROM cust_invoice WHERE id = LAST_INSERT_ID();
| id | state | amount | tax_rate |
| 1 | NY | 100.00 | 0.09 |
The SELECT shows that the tax_rate column has the right value even though the IN
SERT provides no value for it.
9.5. Using Triggers to Simulate Function-Based Indexes
You need a function-based index, but MySQL doesn't support that capability.
Use a secondary column and triggers to simulate a function-based index.
Some types of information are more easily analyzed using not the original values, but
an expression computed from them. For example, if data values lie along an exponential
curve, applying a logarithmic transform to them yields a more linear scale. Queries
against a table that stores exponential values might therefore typically use expressions
that refer to the log values:
SELECT * FROM expdata WHERE LOG10 ( value ) < 2 ;
A disadvantage of such expressions is that referring to the value column within a func‐
tion call prevents the optimizer from using any index on it. MySQL must retrieve the
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