Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Recipe 9.1 shows an avg_mail_size() function that returns the average mail message
size for a given sender. The function returns a single value. To produce additional in‐
formation, such as the number of messages and total message size, a function will not
work. You could write three separate functions, but that is cumbersome. Instead, use a
single procedure that retrieves multiple values about a given mail sender. The following
procedure, mail_sender_stats() , runs a query on the mail table to retrieve mail-
sending statistics about a given username, which is the input value. The procedure
determines how many messages that user sent, and the total and average sizes of the
messages in bytes, which it returns through three OUT parameters:
CREATE PROCEDURE mail_sender_stats ( IN user VARCHAR ( 8 ),
OUT messages INT ,
OUT total_size INT ,
OUT avg_size INT )
# Use IFNULL () to return 0 for SUM () and AVG () in case there are
# no rows for the user ( those functions return NULL in that case ).
SELECT COUNT ( * ), IFNULL ( SUM ( size ), 0 ), IFNULL ( AVG ( size ), 0 )
INTO messages , total_size , avg_size
FROM mail WHERE srcuser = user ;
To use the procedure, pass a string containing the username, and three user-defined
variables to receive the OUT values. After the procedure returns, access the variable val‐
mysql> CALL mail_sender_stats('barb',@messages,@total_size,@avg_size);
mysql> SELECT @messages, @total_size, @avg_size;
| @messages | @total_size | @avg_size |
| 3 | 156696 | 52232 |
This routine passes back calculation results. It's also common to use OUT parameters for
diagnostic purposes such as status or error indicators.
If you call mail_sender_stats() from within a stored program, you can pass variables
to it using routine parameters or program local variables, not just user-defined variables.
9.4. Using Triggers to Implement Dynamic Default Column
A table contains a column for which the initial value is not constant, but in most cases,
MySQL permits only constant default values.
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