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| 2166 |
Then calculate the per-group values and use the overall total to compute the percentages:
mysql> SELECT name,
-> SUM(miles) AS 'miles/driver',
-> (SUM(miles)*100)/@total AS 'percent of total miles'
-> FROM driver_log GROUP BY name;
| name | miles/driver | percent of total miles |
| Ben | 362 | 16.7128 |
| Henry | 911 | 42.0591 |
| Suzi | 893 | 41.2281 |
To combine the two statements into one, use a subquery that computes the total miles:
SELECT name ,
SUM ( miles ) AS 'miles/driver' ,
( SUM ( miles ) * 100 ) / ( SELECT SUM ( miles ) FROM driver_log )
AS 'percent of total miles'
FROM driver_log GROUP BY name ;
A similar problem uses multiple summary levels to compare per-group summary values
with the corresponding overall summary value. Suppose that you want to display drivers
who had a lower average miles per day than the group average. Calculate the overall
average in a subquery, and then compare each driver's average to the overall average
using a HAVING clause:
mysql> SELECT name, AVG(miles) AS driver_avg FROM driver_log
-> GROUP BY name
-> HAVING driver_avg < (SELECT AVG(miles) FROM driver_log);
| name | driver_avg |
| Ben | 120.6667 |
| Henry | 182.2000 |
To display different summary-level values (and not perform calculations involving one
summary level against another), add WITH ROLLUP to the GROUP BY clause:
mysql> SELECT name, SUM(miles) AS 'miles/driver'
-> FROM driver_log GROUP BY name WITH ROLLUP;
| name | miles/driver |
| Ben | 362 |
| Henry | 911 |
| Suzi | 893 |
| NULL | 2166 |
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