Database Reference
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from the groups. If you display additional table columns, they're not tied to the grouped
columns and the values displayed for them are indeterminate. (For the statement just
shown, it appears that MySQL may simply be picking the first date for each driver,
regardless of whether it matches the driver's maximum mileage value.)
To make queries that pick indeterminate values illegal so that you won't inadvertantly
suppose that the trav_date values are correct, set the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL mode:
mysql> SET sql_mode = 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY';
mysql> SELECT name, trav_date, MAX(miles) AS 'longest trip'
-> FROM driver_log GROUP BY name;
ERROR 1055 (42000): 'cookbook.driver_log.trav_date' isn't in GROUP BY
The general solution to the problem of displaying contents of rows associated with
minimum or maximum group values involves a join. The technique is described in
Recipe 14.7 . For the problem at hand, produce the required results as follows:
-> SELECT name, MAX(miles) AS miles FROM driver_log GROUP BY name;
mysql> SELECT, d.trav_date, d.miles AS 'longest trip'
-> FROM driver_log AS d INNER JOIN t USING (name, miles) ORDER BY name;
| name | trav_date | longest trip |
| Ben | 2014-07-30 | 152 |
| Henry | 2014-07-29 | 300 |
| Suzi | 2014-08-02 | 502 |
8.6. Summaries and NULL Values
You're summarizing a set of values that may include NULL values and you need to know
how to interpret the results.
Understand how aggregate functions handle NULL values.
Most aggregate functions ignore NULL values. COUNT() is different: COUNT( expr ) ignores
NULL instances of expr , but COUNT(*) counts rows, regardless of content.
Suppose that an expt table contains experimental results for subjects who are to be given
four tests each and that lists the test score as NULL for tests not yet administered:
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