Database Reference
In-Depth Information
• What are the smallest and largest US state populations?
mysql> SELECT MIN(pop) AS 'fewest people', MAX(pop) AS 'most people'
-> FROM states;
| fewest people | most people |
| 563626 | 37253956 |
• What are the first and last state names, lexically speaking? The shortest and longest
mysql> SELECT
-> MIN(name) AS first,
-> MAX(name) AS last,
-> MIN(CHAR_LENGTH(name)) AS shortest,
-> MAX(CHAR_LENGTH(name)) AS longest
-> FROM states;
| first | last | shortest | longest |
| Alabama | Wyoming | 4 | 14 |
The final query illustrates that MIN() and MAX() need not be applied directly to column
values; they're also useful for expressions or values derived from column values.
Summarizing with SUM() and AVG()
SUM() and AVG() produce the total and average (mean) of a set of values:
• What is the total amount of mail traffic in bytes and the average size of each message?
mysql> SELECT
-> SUM(size) AS 'total traffic',
-> AVG(size) AS 'average message size'
-> FROM mail;
| total traffic | average message size |
| 3798185 | 237386.5625 |
• How many miles did the drivers in the driver_log table travel? What was the
average number of miles traveled per day?
mysql> SELECT
-> SUM(miles) AS 'total miles',
-> AVG(miles) AS 'average miles/day'
-> FROM driver_log;
| total miles | average miles/day |
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