Database Reference
In-Depth Information
COUNT(*) with no WHERE clause performs a full table scan. For MyISAM tables, this is
very quick. For InnoDB tables, you may want to avoid it because it can be slow for large
tables. If an approximate row count is good enough, avoid a full scan by extracting the
TABLE_ROWS value from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database:
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'cookbook' AND TABLE_NAME = 'states' ;
To count only the number of rows that match certain conditions, include an appropriate
WHERE clause in a SELECT COUNT(*) statement. The conditions can be chosen to make
COUNT(*) useful for answering many kinds of questions:
• How many times did drivers travel more than 200 miles in a day?
mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM driver_log WHERE miles > 200;
| COUNT(*) |
| 4 |
• How many days did Suzi drive?
mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM driver_log WHERE name = 'Suzi';
| COUNT(*) |
| 2 |
How many of the United States joined the Union in the 19th century?
mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM states
-> WHERE statehood BETWEEN '1800-01-01' AND '1899-12-31';
| COUNT(*) |
| 29 |
The COUNT() function actually has two forms. The form we've been using, COUNT(*) ,
counts rows. The other form, COUNT( expr ) , takes a column name or expression argu‐
ment and counts the number of non- NULL values. The following statement shows how
to produce both a row count for a table and a count of the number of non- NULL values
in one of its columns:
SELECT COUNT ( * ), COUNT ( mycol ) FROM mytbl ;
The fact that COUNT( expr ) doesn't count NULL values is useful for producing multiple
counts from the same set of rows. To count the number of Saturday and Sunday trips
in the driver_log table with a single statement, do this:
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